Member-only story
The Gypsy Oracle
A Novel in Installments
Chapter 6
Gabriel assembled enough gear and hired Tsering to take him up the road to Mustang and toward the Tsangpo.
His posts on Facebook from that time revealed his anxiety:
“My Lama took out the thin red cords called songdu and wrapped my neck. He says this journey belongs to the goddess Dorje Pagmo. With these holy threads she is supposed to protect me. My life hanging literally by a thread. One false step and I fall into the jaws of death. Like my eagle tattoo I will fly. No one should look for me if I do not return.”
“Life is very short, and there is no time for fussing and fighting my friend. I’m in Pokhara Nepal, at the Lake trying to gain some weight to prepare for what is ahead.”
“I want to live this free life a bit. Tsering has gone to see his family for a few days and prepare for our journey to the Tsangpo. He said he needs to tell them good-bye. Not a confidence builder.”
“Picked up an Enfield today. Getting it overhauled in preparation for my trip.”
“Replaced my clutch pad. Good thing I only rode 3 hours and feel like my kidneys are in my shoulder blades. Rode the slipperiest, scariest, steepest road ever. So many rocks and holes. Almost went right off a cliff. There is still earthquake debris everywhere. My…